Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday Surprise!

Since Saturday is typically a random day for me, I decided not to give it a set something for my blog. I'll sometimes be home, sometimes away, sometimes have internet and sometimes not - so Saturday is always a surprise!

As always, please be courteous: Don't claim this as your own, don't share the link to the file - sharing the link to is okay, give credit (to rememoir - it's always in the file name) and leave some love. ^^ If you email leia18 [at] yahoo {dot} com by 12 AM CST Sunday Aug. 17th with a comment about my blog or the freebies, you'll get a little something extra, too. I promise you'll like it - but you have to credit when you use that, too, okay?

To those of you who don't need that last paragraph - I love you. Keep scrappin! :)

Today's surprise - it reminds me of a cozy rug ^^:
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Whoops! Too late, it's gone!

Be sure to view full-size so you get the printable version!


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